The Smilinggg mission is simple...
To build healthier and happier lives, one step and one smile at a time.
What started out as a simple yet effective daily practice to help improve ones health and happiness, focusing on a healthy dose of physical exercise (walk, jog or run one mile), mental exercise (mindfully expressing both appreciation and gratitude throughout), and generously smiling at passers by, has since evolved into something far greater.
When ones mission is as broad as building healthier and happier lives, one step and one smile at a time. It allows for quite a large scope and depth to how we can go about achieving this.
In addition to the Smilinggg Daily Practice, Smilinggg has raised £23,019.42 (inc Gift Aid) for Mind: The Mental Health Charity and Samaritans. The founder James Cooper each year participates in an endurance event with the intention of raising both funds and awareness for Mind: The Mental Health Charity, Samaritans and Smilinggg's daily practice, core mission and message.
Smilinggg's Next Chapter...
Just like each and every one of us, Smilinggg is continually growing, learning and evolving, and it's by no means reached its potential. To succinctly define and categorise Smilinggg wouldn't do it justice. With a specific label, Smilinggg would smile no more! Instead we choose to lead and carry out our mission without a label or any boundaries.
It's this freedom that allows us to explore such an array of avenues and ideas. That's the excitinggg part.
As of right now (August 2017), the Smilinggg story continues to be written. We are constantly exploring innovative and creative ways to fulfil our mission, whether that's to raise much needed funds for charity or to encourage more people to get up, get out and get active by promoting and increasing awareness of The Smilinggg Daily Practice.
Our message always has the intention to inspire positive and long lasting change to make this world a healthier, happier, more compassionate and loving place to be.
Smilinggg Merchandise and Apparel
In August, Smilinggg launched its merchandise and apparel line.
It's our way of spreading awareness of The Smilinggg Daily Practice. Our branded products are designed to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, to spread smiles, positivity and evoke a reminder to ALWAYS BE KIND, as Wendy Mass once said:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
Every time an item is sold through our store, 10% of that sale is donated to Mind, The Mental Health Charity to help carry out its vision and mission.
Gratitude is an Attitude
At this point we'll insert our bookmark at the end of this chapter. We never plan too far in advance. For now this is what Smilinggg is all about. We are extremely excited to see Smilinggg continue to develop and evolve in time.
Ultimately, Smilinggg has been founded with the one intention of making a difference. A healthy, happy and positive difference within the world. We'll continue to explore ways to do this. Thats our Smilinggg pledge, so be sure to watch this space!
In the meantime...
Be thankful. Be appreciative. Be kind. Be Smilinggg.
Steps and Smiles.