The Smilinggg Treasure Chest


When times get hard. Remember all of the difficulties that you’ve managed to overcome in the past. 💪🏼

That’s The Smilinggg Treasure Chest. ⚱️

The mental strength and belief in oneself this provides in the moment of any difficulty is monumental. 👊

Whether in life or in a race. When pain and discomfort rears its head and doubt creeps in, use your already accumulated treasure to remind yourself just how badass you truly are 🦸🏻‍♀️

On Saturday when my lungs and legs were on fire, and the desire to walk up the last long and arduous hill became increasingly appealing, and with the headwind compounding the desire to walk, I reminded myself of past triumphs. Ultra-Trail Snowdonia by UTMB, Gods Own Backyard Ultra 2022 and other non running related moments. 💭

It didn’t instantly make the current challenge easy, but it did provide just enough strength to persevere and grit it out. Knowing I was in fact adding a new piece of treasure to my ever growing Smilinggg treasure chest. 🏅 Which I’m sure I’ll call on later this year. 📞

What’s inside your Smilinggg Treasure Chest? 💎 

Steps 👣 + Smiles 🤗

Keep #Smilinggg 💛

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