PEAK WEEK! 12-hours of stairclimbinggg within 24-hours...

Smilinggg Vlog #09

PEAK WEEK 😳 12-hours of stairclimbinggg within 24-hours 🎥 ⛰ 🏃‍♂️ 🤗 

On Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th September 2019, I took on two 6-hour stair climbing sessions within the space of 24-hours. This video documents those two days aptly named Peak Week. 

I will be attempting to climb the equivalent of Mount Everest on The Stair Climber at Isenhurst Health Clubs in #Crowborough on Thursday 10th October 2019 in association with #WorldMentalHealthDay and in aid of Samaritans.

A HUGE thanks to everyone who has donated thus far. We’ve smashed past the £500 milestone, currently sitting at £535.48 (£621.85 inc. gift aid). That’s 18% of our fundraising target. So thank you so so much! 

Every £1 received is truly appreciated. There’s no such thing as a too smaller donation. Every £5 raised has the power to answer a potentially life-saving call.

The link to the Smilinggg Everest Fundraising Page is:

I hope you enjoy the video.

👣 Steps + Smiles 🤗 

Thank you and Keep #Smilinggg. 🙏😌


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