For someone who experiences anxious tendencies, speaking in public has been a fear of mine. This fear dates back over a couple of years when anxiety prevented me from taking part in a couple of podcasts.
In this video I share the story and how last Sunday marked a special day for me as I overcome fear to successfully hold a talk at a Holistic Wellness Fair in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on The Smilinggg Way: A Life of Gratitude, Generosity and Personal Growth.
The following tools have helped me over the last couple of years and are briefly discussed in the video:
- Mindfulness in Eight Weeks by Michael Chaskalson
- The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman
- The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman
(Please note: These links are directed to my Amazon affiliate link. If you purchase the above book I receive a small kickback.)