March Training Stats

Back once again with the month of March training numbers and what not. If there’s one way to observe how fast a month passes, it’s to perform a task on the first of each month. To say it felt like yesterday that I was posting February’s stats would be a little far fetched, but time has flown by. Isn’t time an interesting concept. Anyways... here are last months stats.

⏰ 75 Hours 29 Minutes Trained
🏃🏻‍♂️ 18 Runs / 33h 32m / 217 miles / 21,440 ft elevation gain
🚴‍♂️ 9 Rides / 27h 29m / 390 miles / 28,714 ft elevation gain
🧘🏻‍♂️ 8 Practices / 4h / DownDog App / Ollie Shaw mobility class
🚶🏻‍♂️ 7 Hikes / 10h 26m / 27 miles / 3,327 ft elevation gain

April will see the return to racing, with my first official ultra marathon race since December 2018, on Saturday 17th April. I’ll be toeing the start line at the Endurance Life Beachy Head Ultra. 34-miles with over 6,000ft of elevation gain.

Work continues to build on the running front, as I start becoming more targeted and focused in line with this year’s Smilinggg Samaritans fundraiser - I hope to be in a position to release details of this in May, and to start documenting the road to this years challenge with a weekly vlog with the months leading up to the event. Right now the challenge still scares the living daylights out of me. But it wouldn’t be a challenge if it didn’t, right?

Wishing you a healthy and happy April. Are you training for anything in particular? Any highlights from March that you’d care to share?

Steps 👣 + Smiles 🤗

Keep #Smilinggg 💛

Whatever you're going through, call Samaritans free any time, from any phone on 116 123 (UK & ROI) ☎️🗣

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