It was a wonderful surprise to watch the #ChallengeVN Triathlon recap video and see part of my interview featured.
Thank you to the team at Pulse Active and Challenge Vietnam for capturing so many memorable moments in this video. Thank you to all the volunteers and the fellow participants for making it such an incredible experience.
The best things in life aren’t things, they are experiences, those special moments which we can cherish and reflect on in the years that follow.
I’m extremely grateful to everyone who put this video together. I not only have the memories from the race stored in my mind, I can now replay this video and bring those same memories back to life.
I hope you enjoy the video and for anyone interested, my 10 seconds of fame occurs from 5:46. The video in its entirety is well worth a watch.
Next year’s event takes place on Sunday 27th August… who’s up for giving it a TRI? #Smilinggg
Below is the original Facebook Post I wrote hours after the finish.
16 weeks ago I made the decision to give Challenge Vietnam a TRI. A pretty intensive 4 month training schedule followed, and today the hard work all came to fruition as I successfully conquered the 1.9km swim, 90km bike and 21km run in the stunning coastal city of Nha Trang.
I like to think of endurance events as a time lapse of life. Coming in at sub six hours by the skin of my teeth, these hours were made up of highs, lows and everything in between. I ensured I enjoyed the moments of flow, whilst gritting my teeth during the many challenging parts of the race.
To cross the finish line and be immediately greeted by my dad and close friends who joined me for this experience was to say the least overwhelming. Thank you so much for everything! It all seems rather fitting that there’s such emphasis on Family with the Challenge brand.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and support too. It was such a pleasure to document parts of the #RoadToNhaTrang via the vlogs.
So now it’s time to relax and enjoy the satisfying feeling that is achievement surrounded by my Smilinggg squad.